Archive | February, 2013

Watch Dogs

23 Feb

I just go to say this, Watch Dogs on the PS4 looks gorgeous with all its realistic graphics. It looks like a crazy game that will have a lot of bad ass moments that will make you feel like James Bond. Check it out for your self.

Infamous: Second Son

23 Feb

I don’t now about you guys,but the new Infamous game for the PS4 looks pretty sick. It was no surprise that the graphics look super good.  Also doesn’t the new main character from Infamous: Second Son look like that actor Sam Worthington from that Avatar movie, I don’t know guys, I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Going Playstation 4 Crazy

21 Feb

Sorry for the late post about the unveiling of the Playstation 4, it just that my mind was so blown away, i was still just trying to cope with the after shock of the unveiling of the PS4 and what it means for the Playstation community.

It gets me to reflect on my PS3, oh how many good times we had,the many controllers that were broken, the annoying situation of my PS3 just crashing for no reason, but who cares about that anyways, the PS4 is finally here.

There so many things to love about the PS4. I was tripping on the fact that now we can play a game while you are downloading, i hated having to wait hours for a game to download on the PS3.

Another praise i have for the PS4 is that know we can actually see our friends stupid facial expressions and how dumb they really look like. I mean i do like the fact we can watch others people playing , but i  have to warn you guys, i do some weird stuff when i play video games.

I do like the Dualshock 4 controller, however it does look a little complicated with the new iterations of the touch-pad and new share & options buttons, which i think are positioned in an awkward positions on the controller, but isn’t much of a complaint, it is more of just the transition of one controller to the new controller.

What really blew me out of the water was that you can stop and reload session, no more times of nearly breaking my controller because of my PS3 freezing on at crucial moments during my gameplay session.

So now its Microsoft turns to show off its guns and see if its console can one up the the PS4, I highly doubt it.

The best kind of video game

20 Feb

There are so many different kinds of video games out there right now. However there is a certain genre of games that are, in my opinion, to be the best out there.

The genre that i am speaking about is Role-Playing Games, or as some lazy gamers would call them by RPG’s. The games that fall into that category would be the games in the Elder Scrolls series, the Mass Effect games, the Suikoden games, Chrono Trigger games, Star Wars games, and many more other great games that i haven’t mentioned.

What i love about all those games mentioned, is that they bring a sense of fun of creating your own character, and decide how they act with others or decide what they look like.

Thats why i think that RPG’s are so great , you can decide whether you the good guy who helps out others who are in distress or to be a villain that causes suffering to others.

Not only that, but it is the sheer freedom of RPG’s that make them so great, for me the best RPG’s are the ones you get completely lost in.

RPG’s can give you that feeling of wonder, that feeling of awe when you get immersed to the RPG’s world the first minute you enter it. It is the idea of how different our world is from the fictional world we are engaged when we are playing video games

I am captivated by the character that are in those games, i am interested in what they say and what they do. From the anger they talk with, or from the happiness that can be heard fro the voice, the very definable qualities that we see in the real world.

RPG’s brings that exploration of what personalities we want to choose from doing what is right to what is wrong. This is what makes RPG’s master pieces of the video game world.

My first experiences playing with video games was the RPG’s. Being young and seeing the massive scale of Legend of Zelda, with all it’s puzzles, the constant explorations of different areas, fighting enemies, doing all these for what i thought was for the greater good.

It is things like saving a princess from a castle, or save a whole town from destruction, or maybe even saving the whole universe, that makes those games so intriguing.

That is what RPG’s do. Not only that but they also help release some stress of your everyday life. Role-playing games are do this better than any other mediums out there.

The future looks great not only for Role-Playing games but all video games in general, with the coming of the next generations consoles. There is great excitement of what will be the next Skyrim’s, or what will be the next Zelda game would look like.

My picks for the next best upcoming games of 2013

18 Feb

This year is going to be a good one for gamers. There many games this year that will keep gamers preoccupied, and not only that but there have been many teases for the next generation consoles that both Microsoft and Sony are making us suffer through.

There are couple games out there that warrant great intrigued. One game to mention is the post-apocalyptic game Last of Us, when Naughty Dog announce that it was doing this game, it blew the minds of people.

We seen what Naughty Dog did with the Uncharted series, their interesting dialogue and story, and the fact the they basically made game with the same feel of  big budget movies.

Blending in what is the greatness of Naughty Dog and the great appeal and wonder of a post-apocalyptic setting is just going be awesome combination that is great for gamers.

Lets not forget that their is going to be a new Bioshock game. This is bringing a lot of excitement, we knew what Irrational Games has done with its previous games, they made incredible games that sucked you in, Bioshock Infinite looks it would do the same, but this time around a little different.

What brings awe to many gamers is the world in which Bioshock Infinite introduces, it is a city in the sky with a interesting visuals, a great attention to details, and not only that but the clever game play that goes with it.

It will be interesting how Bioshock Infinite will be like when it actually comes out.

We can’t forget the next God of War game, God of War: Ascension. It has been a couple years since we seen a God of War game, and  it couldn’t have came any sooner.

What is really fascinating about the game is that it is a prequel to the first God of War, this time players will get to see gradual ascension of Kratos to being a bad ass.

Not only that but there is going to be a multiplayer, which really is a shocker to everyone because God of War has just been a single player game, it is going to be interesting how the mulitplayer will play, but as long has they don’t take anything away from the campaign, everything is fine.

Probably the biggest of all these games is Grand Theft Auto V. It is a highly ambitious game, it brings players back to the city of San Andreas, not only that but players will now get the to pick three protagonist  to choose from anytime during the game, from what Rockstar has shown us, all these character going to be completely different from each other.

Plus the whole world that Rockstar will create is going to be the biggest world it has ever created. From what was seen in the trailers, GTA V will lure you in with its realistic world, with its beautiful visuals, and addicting game-play that comes with all grand theft auto games.

There are many games out their worth mentioning too, but these games are currently the best games that 2013 is going to offer.