Tag Archives: Playstation 3

Going Playstation 4 Crazy

21 Feb

Sorry for the late post about the unveiling of the Playstation 4, it just that my mind was so blown away, i was still just trying to cope with the after shock of the unveiling of the PS4 and what it means for the Playstation community.

It gets me to reflect on my PS3, oh how many good times we had,the many controllers that were broken, the annoying situation of my PS3 just crashing for no reason, but who cares about that anyways, the PS4 is finally here.

There so many things to love about the PS4. I was tripping on the fact that now we can play a game while you are downloading, i hated having to wait hours for a game to download on the PS3.

Another praise i have for the PS4 is that know we can actually see our friends stupid facial expressions and how dumb they really look like. I mean i do like the fact we can watch others people playing , but i  have to warn you guys, i do some weird stuff when i play video games.

I do like the Dualshock 4 controller, however it does look a little complicated with the new iterations of the touch-pad and new share & options buttons, which i think are positioned in an awkward positions on the controller, but isn’t much of a complaint, it is more of just the transition of one controller to the new controller.

What really blew me out of the water was that you can stop and reload session, no more times of nearly breaking my controller because of my PS3 freezing on at crucial moments during my gameplay session.

So now its Microsoft turns to show off its guns and see if its console can one up the the PS4, I highly doubt it.